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Alexander III. – “the Peacemaker”


Alexander III. – “the Peacemaker”

Alexander III. – “the Peacemaker” was in power in Russia from 1881 to 1894. He was called “Peacemaker”, because under him Russia did not wage a single war.

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Alexander III. – “the Peacemaker” (* 1845; † 1894) was in power in Russia from 1881 to 1894. He was nicknamed the “Peacemaker”, because under him Russia did not wage a single war. All those involved in the assassination of his father were executed, and the policies pursued by Alexander III. were called “counter reforms”. He strengthened autocracy in Russia and established the Okhrana secret police. Alexander III. died in 1894, before he reached the age of 50, as a result of a stroke suffered in a train accident.

There were six children in his family and the eldest son Nikolai eventually ascended the throne. He was destined to become the last Russian Zar.

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